Twilight Teach - Private tuition with Marvel Primary
Our tuition programme is called Twilight Teach and sessions run from 4pm daily (Mon-Fri).
Our brand new learning facility is based at WhatAGoal Leicester (LE4 9LR).
Twilight Teach uses a blended approach. What does this mean?
It means that we...
1. always have high quality teaching from qualified and experienced teachers.
2. utilise technology increasing session efficacy in-person as well as remotely via a video-link. Activities, worksheets, presentations etc. all have a great impact which is boosted further by effective use of available technologies.
3. encourage personal choice of how to attend tuition sessions based upon circumstance and preference. Either come in to our learning facility or stay at home and learn remotely.
Tuition for children aged 5 - 11
Our educators all have their own timetable which includes sessions supporting the development of reading, writing and maths. Some educators also have SATS and 11+ focused sessions. We develop confidence and belief through ensuring that sessions are engaging, focused and always facilitate learning progression. Our educators are experienced and adapt to individual needs resulting in highly effective tuition sessions.
Book Now!
At the moment, bookings are open for the following educators:
- Phil (Lead Educator/KS1&2 specialist)
For more information...
...visit our Facebook page